Sunday, October 16, 2011

Properly Framing the Gay Argument Pt.3

This is the last installment in the Properly Framing the Gay Argument series. Recently the North Carolina General Assembly approved a constitutional referendum to place a ban on same sex marriage in the NC Constitution. Voters will decide in May 2012. This is the Pandora’s Box I spoke of previously. If the voters come out overwhelmingly against, will the churches agree with the decision of the citizens? While it uphold the Constitution in this case and people's right to gather and practice peaceful civil disobedience.
The question I proposed, if we already have a ban on gay marriage, why waste tax payer dollars on something that is only going to fan more flames of dissent?  If the ban gets approved it will make it harder to overturn in the future. What was a non-issue will now become an issue.
This goes beyond a simple disagreement and becomes personal. It becomes, of all things, political. That in and of itself is dangerous as you begin crossing the church and state lines.

NC Conservatives since taking both legislative chambers in 2010(the first time since 1928) are following their marching orders. The Bible and politics have been bedfellows for quite some time. The problem is, should they be? What is the issue being argued? It’s difficult to tell if it is a moral or constitutional one?
Once again bedfellows they are: politicians and clergy. Former President Bush set this in motion with his Faith Based Initiatives. What a nice, clever way to buy religious votes; by throwing money their way. Americans United summed it up nicely, “The so-called “faith-based” initiative is a euphemism for taxpayer-supported religion. The initiative funnels taxpayer dollars to religious social service providers without adequate safeguards to prevent proselytism. In addition, these groups seek to discriminate in hiring based on religion even though their programs are publicly funded." Issues that generally don’t matter become pertinent. The clergy can be very influential.
Gay marriage is a divisive issue that crosses church lines as well as party lines. Look at how denominations are split. Most denominations as well as sects (off shoots of mainline denominations) generally disagree with same-sex marriage, but as long as it’s not in their house they allow it to be a constitutional or states right issue. The Pentecostal or charismatic leaning fellowships believe they have the true and undisputed word, so their belief is to fight and challenge; What Would Jesus Do(WWJD)? We do not know what Jesus would do! Within the scriptures he challenged certain laws that were written. He simply showed he was greater and tried to warn people of their dogma.(Jewish New Testament LK 14:1-5) shows man’s traditions and the Messiahs opposition to it. The scriptures show us many things God hates. One that they never quote is false prophecy because once again they pick and chose what they like. Preachers were put to death for it. The word prophecy in itself is two-fold.
The gift of prophecy is one of the inspirational gifts of the spirit. It is given for three reasons: edification, exhortation, and comfort. Read and reread; First of all, understand this: no prophecy of Scripture is to be interpreted by and individual on his own; for never has a prophecy come as a result of human willing – on the contrary, people moved by the Ruach HaKodesh(Holy Spirit)spoke a message from God. For added measure read (Rev 22:7,10,18,19). This means that the word, the true word. Not one's opinions! The Holy spirit was sent to guide us (Jn 16:13).  Then as is it today we have many false preachers spewing ignorance as well as hate. If you want to only use the prophecy for your benefits and purposes, bring back the forgotten one about stoning false prophets.
Churches all over are using this gay marriage debate as a wedge issue when it shouldn’t be. Before I continue, allow me to say, I’m not in agreement with the homosexual agenda in any form. Local civil rights leader, the Rev. William Barber gets it saying, “The North Carolina legislature is not the modern-day Council of Nicaea,” referring to the ancient assembly that established a creed for the Christian faith. “It should not be about religion,” Barber said in an interview. “Those are all red herrings … used to incite false passion.” Is it my duty or job to rail against them? My job as well as ministers, is to rail against SIN. What’s shameful is they don’t  seem to know what that is! The Bible lists many things God doesn’t like. Why are people going after a subset, a small group of people?
Stop using the Bible when it’s expedient for you to do so. Stop lying in bed with politicians, stop preaching a specific gospel and preach the whole gospel. The issue of gay marriage will have its vote. If you zealots lose, are you then going to go against God and his word pertaining to governments (Rom 13:1-8). Are churches doing what the Bible says about the widow,  the poor, the stranger. Because of your hypocrisy you have single-handedly  created more atheists and agnostics than any other group.
Do you even know someone who is gay? Do you know and understand the problems they face daily? It’s difficult to help folk if you don’t get to know folk. You don’t have to stop being who you are to befriend. Gay and lesbians friends of mine know my stance. Since God has given me a heart of flesh; I now understand. STOP preaching at them, and preach to them in love!
I, too, at one time was dogmatic. The truth has to be spoken, but spoken in love.

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