Statement of Faith

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in our statement and to tell you a little about ourselves. As you read the statement, we want you to fully understand that we are not trying to be different. For so many years, we have been taught particular doctrines by having the scriptures interpreted to us. Upon further, unbiased examination of the scriptures, we have seen that there is a lot of error in what mainstream Christianity teaches. It's one thing to say you are basing the New Testament on the Old and another thing to do it. Studying the scriptures in this light has alleviated many of the contradictions some say exist. The things we used to question in mainstream Christianity have been abolished by seeking God's truths and taking Him at His word. If he says, "I change not" (Mal 3:6), then he changes not and we have totally embraced that concept.

Please also note that we are not saying we have "the" truth, but instead that we have a part of "the" truth that has been compromised and relinquished over the centuries. The statement that you have received should be read thoroughly and you need to view all of the pertaining scriptures as we have nothing to hide. Put aside what you have been taught and let God be your teacher through His word which is the final authority-not man. We only want to present you with the truth of God's word so be honest with yourselves. If you have any comments or questions, please visit
Who We Are
Breaking Bread and Frontline Ministries are teaching and evangelizing Ministries respectively. As Non-Jews, we keep and practice the laws and commandments of scripture henceforth calling ourselves Messianic Proselytes. The word "Proselyte" is not a new term. It can be found throughout the O.T. (Ex 12:48; Num 15:16,30) and N.T. (Matt 23:15; Acts 2:10; Acts6:5) in reference to Non-Jews (strangers) who keep the laws and commandments of the Father. There are Proselytes today within the Jewish community, but unlike them, we believe in Yahshua (Jesus) as the Messiah which is why we use Messianic Proselytes. These laws and commandments (Matt 5:17-20; Eph 2:8-10) include keeping the weekly Sabbath and remembrance of the annual feast days (Heb 4:9; Lev 23; Num 28:29). We are not necessarily and aberrant ministry, but a ministry that is willing to test tradition (Matt 15:6). 
Our Vision
Our vision is to properly equip the laity in defending the faith and in bringing others into the knowledge of the truth as proclaimed in the gospels (Matt 28:19-20; Mark 16:15). We want to show members of the body who and what they are in Yahshua (Prov 28:18). We are to teach the saints to stand firm and to articulate what they believe with confidence. With that confidence, we can (in love) effectively challenge people's belief systems including pagan and aberrant religions. Also, being a part of a "Christian" nation, we aim to show the error in traditional teachings that have totally deviated from what God ordered through the scriptures (Matt 15:6; Gal 1:14; Col 2:8; 1Pet 1:18).

Old Testament as the Basis of Faith
We believe that in order to accurately interpret the New Testament, one must give the Old Testament credence as the basis of faith which interprets the New. Utilizing the scriptures in this manner gives us a more precise interpretation. John 10:35 shows us that scripture interpreted properly cannot be broken. Also, note that the Old Testament (Torah) scriptures are referred to consistently throughout the New since they were the only scriptures the Apostles had and based their faith upon (Mt 4:4; Jn 5:39; Lk 24:44-46; Ac 17:11; 2Tim 3:14-17).

YHWH (God)
We believe that there is one Almighty and powerful creator (God), who is our Heavenly Father. It is to Him alone that we give our respect, reverence, worship, and praise (Ps 113:1-4; Deut 6:4, 13; Mt 4:10; 1Cor 8:4-6). Our Creator is omnipresent by His Holy Spirit (everywhere at once Ps139:7-10; Jer 23:23-24), omniscient (has infinite knowledge Ps 139:1-4; Ps 147:4-5; Heb 4:13; 1Jn 3:20), and omnipotent (all powerful Ps 139:13-18; Jer 32:17; Mt 19:26). Our views are monotheistic as opposed to the polytheistic views held by Trinitarians. Note-We at Breaking Bread are not dogmatic about the name for the Messiah has a name that will only be revealed when he returns. 

Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)
We believe that Yahshua is the Messiah whose birth was predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament. He was the Word made Flesh and we behold his glory as the only begotten of the Father(Jn 1:14). He pre-existed with the Father before the foundations of the earth (Mic 5:2; Jn 16:28-30; Jn 17:5; Php 2:5-8), was a descendant of the tribe of Judha(Gen 49:10; Lk 3:23-24), was born of a virgin in Bethelem(Is 7:14; Mic 5:2; Mt 1:18; Mt 2:1), and betrayed 30 pieces of silver(Zech 11:12; Mt 26:15) in addition to many other fulfilled prophecies. He provided remission for our sins through His sinless life paired with His death upon the Tree of Crucifixion(Isa 53:  2Cor 5:21; Heb 9). The third full day after His death, he rose again demonstrating the promise of our future resurrection(Mt 12:40; Rom 5:6-12, 1Cor 15:1-8; 1Jn 5:9-13).

The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence and power of YHWH(God) and the Messiah dwelling within us to impart ministry gifts and spiritual manifestations as the Spirit wills. He alsob brings us comfort while enabling us to bring our lives into a state of maturity in obedience to YHWH(God)(Jn 14:15-27; 1 Cor chapters 12, 13, 14; Eph 4:9-16). In many scripture references, the Holy Spirit is imparted by the laying of hands of an elder or other spirit-filled believer(Ac 8:14-24, 19:1-6; 1Tim 4:14). Countless times, believers have received the Holy Spirit prior to baptism. This does not discount the fact that there are instances in which some may receive after baptism. Contrary to what many may teach, one does not have to go to some group or organized assembly to receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit(Jn 7:37-39, Jn 14: 13-17).

The Family of YHWH(God)
We believe that we will not only spiritually, but physically, be a part fo the family of Yahweh(Elohim). Yahweh is the Father, Yahshua is the Son and the Holy Spirit is the power of Yahweh.  Through the sacrifice of Yahshua, we will become a part of that family as His adopted brothers and sisters(Rom 8:15, 23; Gal 4: 4-7; Eph 1: 5-6). Presently, we are adopted  spiritually as joint heirs by grace, but have received the full benefits of sonship(flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh). At the lat trump, we receive our glorified incorruptible bodies and then are born again with the full benefits of sonship. We do not believe in the trinity(one God with three distinct personalities), but that there is a hierarchy of first the Father and then the Son. Note that the following scriptures support the fact that the Father and the Son are two separate beings(Mt 24:36; Jn 6:44, 17: 3-5, 20:17). 

Begotten Not Born-Again
We believe that as obedient followers of the Law and commandments of Yahweh, we have been begotten, but not yet born-again. As spirituals Israelites, we are spiritually a part of the family of Elohim having received only the firstfruits of the Spirit while awaiting complete adoption into the family via an immortal body. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom. Yahshua was the first begotten of Yahweh and having ascended to The Father with a resurrected body, he is the first born-again from the grave(Jn 3:1-13; 1Cor 15:50, Col 1:15-18; Heb 8:29).

The Revealed Personal Names
We believed that once one has come into the light and knowledge of the truths contained in the scriptures, it becomes imperative to his salvation to be obedient(Heb 10:26). In this case, we are referring to the revealed personal names of the Father and the Son. We accept and use the revealed names. The most accurate transliteration of these names are Yahweh for the Heavenly Father and Yashua for our Savior and Messiah(Ex 3:14-15; Ps 68:4; Ps 83:18; Isa 42:8, 52:6; Ac 4:12). Note that these names have been substituted with such titles as God and Lord. If you read your Bible's footnotes, notice that oftentimes the proper names are mentioned. God and Lord are simply titles-- not names. If you know the proper names, you are obligated to use them as opposed to the titles. Throughout the scriptures, emphasis is placed on names(ex: Yahweh changed Abram's name to Abraham(Gen 17:5) and Sarai's name to Sarah(Gen 17:15).

Obedience and Sacrifice
We believe it is necessary to be obedient in keeping all of the commands and statutes of Yahweh that are clearly applicable to the present dispensation. We make spiritual sacrifices as opposed to animal sacrifices (Rom 12: 1-2; Heb 10, 13: 15-16; 1 Pet 2: 5).  To obey is better than sacrifice(1Sam 15: 22).

We believe sin is simply transgression against the Law of Yahweh(Lev 4; 1Jn 3: 4). In order to receive remission for sin, one must accept the shed blood of Yashua the Messiah and be obedient to the revealed will of the Heavenly Father through the keeping of His laws(Mic 6:6-8; Eph 1: 6-7; Heb 10: 26-31; 1Jn 1:7, 2:2). Yahweh gives grace--unmerited or undeserved favor-- to all who keep His law(Rom 3: 24).

We believe the scriptures clearly teach that salvation is freely given to every member of the human race who accepts it. Anyone who accepts Yahshua and the faith is welcome in the family of Yahweh regardless of race. Through His blood, we are made one united body of Yahshua the Messiah(Jn 1: 12; Eph 1:7, 4:32; 1Pet 1:2-4).

We believe that repentance is both a change of mind and a change of heart released by the desire to please The Father and live according to His holy scriptures(2Co 7:9-10).Yahweh desires that we all reach a state of repentance(2Pet 3:). This is the state of being "begotten of Yahweh."

We believed that faith is simply trust. It is defined in the word Yahweh as the substance of things hoped for the and the evidence of things not seen(Heb 11:1). Without faith, it is impossible to please Yahweh(Heb 11: 6). Elohim had faith to create something from nothing so that what you see was created by the unseen(Gen 1). We are not to lean upon  our own understanding(Pro 3: 5-8), but trust or have faith in His leading as Abraham and some of our fore fathers did(Gen 6:12-22; 12: 1-4; 22:1-13; 1Sam 17:46-57). When you have faith in Yahweh, your actions will follow suit-- faith without works is dead (Jas 2: 17). Paul expressed the enveloping result of true faith beautifully in Galatians 2: 20: I have been crucified with the Messiah, and I no longer live, but the Messiah lives in me. The life I live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of Yahweh, who love me and gave himself for me.(NIV).

We believe that justification is proof of one's righteousness in the sight of Yahweh(Rom 8:33). Here  in the age of grace, one is justified by faith in the completed work of Yahshua(Rom 5:1, 5: 8-9, Gal 2:16-17, Tit 3: 7).

We believe in evangelism as it is expressed in The Great Commission(Mt 28:16-20). While there are some called to be evangelists, evangelism is an inevitable responsibility of each believer regardless of his or her calling in the ministry(MK 16: 15). In order to  ring others into the faith we must ensure that they hear the Word of Yahweh. This is true evangelism. Faith comes by hearing the word of Yahweh(Rom 10:17).

The Lay of On of Hands and Anointing with Oil
We believe in the laying on of hands in the name of Yahshua for anointing purposes as in consecration and healing the sick, and sometimes in the imparting or infilling of the Holy Spirit. Elders should be used if at all possible(Ex 40:13; Num 3:3; 1Ki 19: 16; Mt 26:7-12; Mk 6:13; Jas 5: 13-16).

Gifts of the Spirit
we believe that the nine gifts of the spirit are still in operation within Yahshua's body of beleievers during these last (Joel 2:28; 1Cor 12:1). The gifts of the spirit are results or signs of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The gifts are divided into three categories with three gifts within each (bringing the total to nine, 1Cor 12:8-11):
Gifts of the Spirit: the word of wisdom, word word of knowledge, and the discerning of spirits.
Power Gifts: faith, healing, and the working of miracles.
Gifts of Inspiration: prophecy, divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.

We believe sanctification is the act of God consecrating something or someone for His special purpose. It is a setting apart-being made holy. Sanctification results in the holiness that is accomplished by the Word of God (Eze 36:23; Jn 17:16-19; 1Thes 5:23).

Eternal Security
We believe that the doctrine of eternal security is scriptural. Once one has received knowledge of  truth and is baptized into the name of Yahshua, he is obligated to abstain from willful sin. Scripture states that one can be blotted out from the Lambs's book of life (Ex 32:32; Rev 3:5). No one can pluck another out of the Father's hands (10:27-29), but one abandons the Father's hand by choice. If one willfully sins after receiving knowledge of the truth, there is no longer a sacrifice for sin. Instead,, there is a judgment and fiery indignation that will devour the transgressor (Heb 10:26-29).

The Return of Yahshua
We believe that Yahshua the Messiah will return for His body of believers and to establish a New Heaven and a New Earth (New Jerusalem) in which he will raise us -believers-from mortality into immortality as flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (26:64; 1Cor 15:51-53; 1Tim 6:16; Rev 20:1-6). 

We believe in heaven as it consists of three parts. The first heaven consists of the clouds and the sky (Mt 26:64; Rev 21:1). The second heaven consists of the universe-the heavenly bodies (Gen 1:14-17; Eze 32:7-8; Isa 14:12-14). The third heaven is the dwelling place of Yahweh(Duet 26:15; Mt 5:25) and his angles (Mk 13:32). Believers are never promised heaven, but instead New Jerusalem (Is 66:22; Rev 3: 12, 21: 2-3).

Soul Sleep
We believe that with the cessation of life comes a period of rest called soul sleep. Humans have a triune exsistence. We are made up of spirit, soul, and body. We say soul sleep because the spirit(breath or power source of life-Gen 2: 7) returns to Yahweh when we die and the body returns to dust(Gen 3:19; Ecc 9: 5, 9:10; 12:7;Lk 23:46).The soul is your mind--your intellect--who you are. This is the part that sleeps(Ps 6:5, 115:17). Sleep is the closest word we have to explain this state of unconsciousness of supernatural rest(Dan 12: 2; Mt 9:26; Mk 5:39-43; Lk 8:52-56; Jn 11:11-15; 1Cor 15:51). Notice that Adam became a living soul once he received the breath of life. At the resurrection, those of us who have die in Yahshua will be caught upin the air with Him and receive a glorified or immortal body(1Cor 15:51). Yahshua is the first born from the dead and there are no redeemed beings in heaven(Col 1:18; 1Thes 4:14-17).

Graven Images
We believe it is a sin to make any graven images of anything in heaven, in the earth below, nor in the water below the earth(Ex 20:4). For this reason, we do not idolize nor possess prints of the Messiah nor do we approve of pictures of angels or anything else in heaven(Is 44:9-17, 45:20). The Father had the foreknowledge to know this could lead to various forms of idolatry which are displeasing to a jealous Yahweh(Ex 20:5).

We believe that hell is simply the grave. Gehenna and sheoul(proper names for hell) are translated as the grave(Ps 49:14, 88:3-5; Ac2:27, 31; Rev 1:18, 20:13-14).In essence, when we die, we all go to hell(which is the grave)awaiting the second advent of Yahshua the Messiah(Rev 20:6). We also believe in The Lake of Fire for the total annihiliation of the wicked as opposed to hell. (See below)

The Lake of Fire
We believe the scriptures teach eternal punishment (total annihilation) for the wicked. This eternal punishment is eternal in nature in that it is permanent(cannot be reversed)as opposed to the constant punishment(2Thes 1:7-10). It is complete and total destruction in the Lake of Fire. This differs from the common belief of today regarding an eternal torment in the ever burning hell which is not supported by the scriptures(Ps 37:20-22; Isa 33:12; Mal 4:1-3;Mt 25:46; Jude 1:7;Rev 19:20).

The Law
We believe in keeping the Judaic laws set forth in God's word (Deut 27:26, 29:28-29, 30:9-16; Rev 12:17,22:14). The only laws not in effect are the ceremonial laws and the food and drink offerings. Yahshua, as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, fulfilled the law concerning animal sacrifices (Cor 5:7). While the only required circumcision today is circumcision of the heart (Rom 2:25-29; Gal 6:13-17). The laws we keep include, but are not limited to, the ten commandments (Ex 20:1-17) given to all of the tribes of Israel through whom all men descend (Deut 31:28). All of the law hangs on two commandments-love God your Elohim with all of your soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself-but they in no way abolish or make void the law (Mt 22:36-40). It is love to walk according to His commandments (2Jn 5-6). Many falsely teach that Yahshua fulfilled the law or brought it to an end when what he did was establish the law (Mt 5:17; Rom 3:31; Heb 10:16). Until heaven and earth pass away, no words shall pass from the law (5:17-19). Yaahshua and His disciples operated under Judaic law, but not under the traditions of the Pharisees. In essence, the law shows us our sin-without the law there is no measure by which to evaluate sin (Rom 7:7). 

The Remnant
We believe that the scriptures teach the remnant to be the small number of true believers who keep God's Commandments and testify of Yahshua the Messiah (Rev 12:17). According to The New International dictionary of the Bible by J. D. Douglas and Merrill C. Tenney, "the word commandment is substituted for the Greek and Hebrew words meaning law, ordinance, statute, word, judgment, precept, saying, or charge." With this in mind, we believe that the remnant is recognized by its' obedience to all of the laws, commands and statutes of God noted by the ten commandments and all of the laws mentioned under our heading The law (see above).

The Sabbath
We believe that in obedience to God's word, we are required to keep holy His commanded observances (Lev 23). Among those is the weekly seventh-day Sabbath which starts as sunset Friday through sunset Saturday (Lev 23:1-3; Mk 1:23). It is clearly taught and upheld in both the Old an New Testaments (Ex 29:8-11; Mk 2:27-28; Lk 4:16; Heb 4:4-9). The Sabbath is a mark between god and His people (31:12-17). We are Spiritual Israel through the sacrifice of Yahshua. This same day that many church leaders have said was done away with will be enforced from Jerusalem for all to observe during the millennium (Isa 2:3, 66:23).

We believe in observing the Passover memorial supper from the New Testament era which is the annual observance of the Savior's death. During this time, we partake of the unleavened bread (Matzoth) which represents the broken body of the savior and the cup which represents His blood (Lk 22:17-20; 1Cor10:16). We believe it is scriptural to use wine as opposed to grape juice, but do make exceptions if there are those among us who may have had alcohol problems in the past. However, we do not believe that children should partake of the Memorial Passover until the age accountability. The observance of the Passsover Memorial is to begin after sunset on the evening of the 14th day of the scriptural month of Abib (March/April)(Lev 23:5; Num 28:16). The scriptural months are determined by the visible new moons (Deut 16;1). The first day of each month is determined by the appearance of the crescent. during the Passover, we practice feet washing to show forth humbleness and service of one to another (Jn 13;12-17). For more information, please see our study on the Passover Memorial.

Feast of Unleavened Bread
We believe in observing the Feast of Unleavened Bread which is observed from the 15th through the 21st of the scriptural month of Abib. During these 7 days, we eat unleavened bread with our meals as leaven represents sin (Lev 23;6). We also examine our lives and cleanse ourselves of things which would corrupt us and lead to sin (Mt 16:12; Lk 12:1; 1Cor 5:6-8). the 15th and 21st (the first and the last days) of this feast are to be observed as Holy Sabbaths (Ex 12;16; Num 28:18,28; Ac 20:6-7).

Feast of Pentecost (feast of weeks)
we believe in observing the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuoth) which is to be observed 50 das after Passover beginning the count with the day following the weekly Sabbath on Passover or during the week of unleavened bread. Shavuoth will always be observed on the first day of the week (Lev 23:15-21; Ac 2:1-4). It is important to note that it was on this very day that the Holy Spirit was poured out on all of the believers assembled in the upper room.

Feast of Trumpets
We believe in observing the feast of Trumpets in exception of the Messiah's second advent for His body of believers (Lev 23:24; Num 10:1-10, 29:1; 1Thes 4:16). This Sabbath falls on the 1st day of the seventh month of Tishri.

Day of Atonement
We believe in observing the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) which is to be observed as a sabbath and fast fay in memory of Yahshua's atonement (remission) of sins on our behalf on the tree of crucifixion (Lev 23:27-32; Ac 27:9) This Sabbath falls on the 10th day of the seventh month of Tishri.

Feast of Tabernacles
We believe in observing the feast of Tabernacles which is a foreshadowing of the Millennial Kingdom of God (Lev 23:34-39; zech 14;16-21; Jn 7:1-39). The feast of Tabernacles is seven days long plus the Last great Day (making the feast 8 days long) with the first and eighth days being observed as holy convocations. It begins the 15th day of the seventh month of Tishri (Num 29:12).

Dietary Laws
We believe in following the dietary laws concerning clean (kosher) and unclean foods outlined in the scriptures (Lev 11; Deut 14). These dietary laws are imperative to our physical health and spiritual well being (2Cor 6:16-18). Note that many falsely teach that there are no longer any unclean foods (Ac 10:9-15). Upon further examination, it is evident that Peter's vision is referring to unclean of common people. God sent three men from Cornelius the Centurion-a Gentile-to take Peter to Caesarea. Peter was a Jew and according to Jewish law, a Jew could not keep company or go unto one of another nation because these people were considered common or unclean. Peter, interpreting his own vision in Acts 10:28, states, "...God hath shewed me that I shall not call any man common or unclean. " (Ac 19:-28). The unclean foods in Leviticus and Deuteronomy are still considered unclean.

Satan the Adversary
We believe in the existence of the spiritual being known in scripture as Satan (Gen 3:1-15; Isa 14:12-20; Zec 3:1-2; Mt 4:1-11; 1Pet 5:8; Rev 12:9). Satan will be destroyed, as well as the wicked, at the end of the Millennium (Eze 28:18-19; Rom 16:20; Rev 20:7-10).

We believe in the Millennial Kingdom to be set up by Yahshua at the second advent (Mt 5:5; Rev 5:10). The Millennial Kingdom will continue for 1,000 years. during this time, righteousness, peace, and order will come to the Earth and the world will begin again to accomplish what God intended before the fall of man (Isa 11:1-16). At the end of this thousand year period, a new heaven and a new earth will be created (Isa 66:22; Rev 21:1-2).

Water Baptism
We believe in water baptism as it represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah (and likewise the outward expression of the acceptance of His sacrifice) and believe it is to follow the act of repentance (Mt 3:13-17; Ac 2;38). Baptism is a one time backward immersion in water into the name of Yahshua the Messiah (Rom 6:3-6).

We believe in free will giving no tithing. the tithe was designated for one group and one group only-The Levites (Num 18:21). No other person or group had the authority to receive the tithe. did Yahshua or even the Apostle Paul accept thithes? Certainly not. Yahshua was a descendant of the tribe of Judah that could not receive the tithe (Heb 7:14) while Paul was a descendant of the tribe of Benjamin (Ac 13:21; Rom 11:1). the tithe (tenth) was used by the Levites to maintain operations in the Temple and since the Temple is no longer in place, even the Jews refrain from tithing unto this day. With this in mind, there is not a group functioning under the law as Levites and consequently there is no one for us to pay the tithe to. God himself will choose the priests and Levites at the setting up of the Millennial Kingdom (Isa 66:21). Free will offerings are acceptable as opposed to the tithe for maintaining regular operations of our fellowship (Mt 10:8).

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