Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Big Three

I'm not an apologist for Carlton Pearson, but I do have a problem when he came out with his gospel of inclusion message that shocked the gospel community. More than the message but the people that came out against him; T.D. Jakes, Ted Haggard, and Oral Roberts, more troubling than the milk preachers who came out against Carlton, but didn't come out against the experimental Preacher, some say heresy Preacher Kenneth Hagin Jr. He made a disturbing comment about interracial marriage and dating. This should have been the issue of our time, yet the Church went numb and weak. Another reason I left that idiotic movement. People get alarmed for the wrong things. Racism sits atop the Church world, yet deal with an essential issue, the Church shy's away. The Church even shy's away from abused children within the Catholic Church, we have found out as of late it is in the business of castration.

Now we are dealing with Carlton Pearson and the gospel of inclusion. A doctrine which has some merit but the teachers of it don't seem to understand it. My point today isn't to deal with the doctrine but to point out the people used to argue or disagree with the doctrine I'm not her to tear down the Minister but the lack they use as far as teaching. T.D. Jakes who's ministry was needed in West Virginia, but he went for the money in the Mecca, Texas. Jakes hasn't preached a meat message since his TBN fame and he shy's form teaching doctrine. Preaching is only a part of the 4 fold ministry. The office of the Apostle doesn't apply.  Ted Haggad a bisexual who was caught in the act, behaving badly with another man. Next up Oral Roberts, a man who has distorted the gospel for some time. Especially the whole seed faith message and preaching about prosperity. Need a blessing, plant a seed.

 These men, I question there doctrine. Is this the best you have to argue the doctrine of Carlton Pearson; milk preachers. Don't simply disagree with the message, show where it's in error or is it that these Ministers don't know. What happened to the business of Preachers.

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