Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gay Gayer Gayest

I'm tired of the entire subject of homosexuality. Politicians use it as a wedge issue to obtain more votes for a certain party, which is strange if you look at the entire picture. What did republicans do for the Ecclesia when in office, as far as promises are concerned. I remember very specifically when George Bush won, he was asked to appear at the dove awards coincidentally it was the christian community that pushed him over; didn't appear. I was really dumb struck by this. It showed where his allegiance really lied; not with faith based communities. I don't like politicians to play the religious card, first I don't know what you believe as your core doctrine. I don't know your convictions as a person of faith, and lastly I have to look at your policies and past engagements to know who you really are. My conclusion is, you can't be a politician and lie (Prov 17:7), yet they continue to do so as well as practice deceitfulness.

As I mentioned, yes homosexuality is a wedge issue. An evangelical professor is calling for the resignation or removal of Alan Chambers as president of Exodus International, citing concerns that Chambers is offering a false hope to gays and lesbians and compromising the ministry's mission. This really struck me as odd. First we understand what the bible says about this issue. Yes Christians are missing the larger issue. Did God accept you when you were dirty and filthy and vile and lovers of many; YES. Did he hold it against you; NO.  Same issue as it pertains to Gays, come as you are. You get cleansed during the journey, not a minute before. Gays can be born again/anew, but once they accept the contract and sign it they have to abide by what it says. Christians need to stop putting their personal convictions on others and simply let people live. Sure the bible teaches only a certain subset of people will enjoy everlasting peace; we don't know those people. Remember they are three Resurrections, life, judgement, death; allow God to rule as he pleases.

God understands we are flawed individuals, didn't he wink at ignorance when his men had concubines of woman practicing immorality and selfishness. This even proved problematic even to King David when you look at his actions concerning Bathsheba. My only point is, we don't know and we must not act as if we do know. When a person accepts the Messiah into their heart, we have to leave it there. It is now between the person and God. Christians need to fix and get their house in order first and stop banishing people to the lake of fire. We are called to be witnesses; be a witness and stop being hypercritical and start practicing love and kindness.

God has this thing figured out, his son was a fine example. He hung with the dredges of his day, so much so he was called a wine bibber. In all this we have to use common sense. Fine, use the old adage "love the sinner hate the sin". The bigger problem, you are hating the sinner and the sin. If you keep kicking them upside the head; why would they want what you are giving. We all have family members that are gay; I do. When I talk to them they are lost and confused. I say this based on conversations I have with them. In their heart of hearts they want to serve God according to the bible. We have to help steer them in the right direction; the ones who ask for our help; and not judge them. It is time for the Church to understand what the scriptures teaches and what the constitution says. With that in tow we can influence the world for a better good.

In my talking about the issue of homosexuality, allow me to say, I'm not necessarily a friend to the gay community nor am I an enemy. As a volunteerist I believe in personal freedoms as well as non aggression. I understand people can disagree with gay pride parades and sometimes the over the top behavior. In the end we must allow people to be who wants to be. In order to minister to people we have to be open to them as others have to be open to us. 

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