Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Easter Hoax

If there ever was a hoax, it would be the pagan holiday called Ishtar/Easter. Christianity proposes to be the religion of the West, yet it does a bad job of getting rid of superstitions; or maybe it doesn't know it's history. Simply take a look at the bible. The scriptures teaches us to not follow the way of the heathen, yet it does the opposite. Every Easter the churches have large followings followed by many offering plates passed around. Why not read the bible and teach the bible. Why does the KJV translate Easter for Passover (Act 12-4), while every other translation has it as Passover. Stop mixing superstition and selling it as authenticity. Bunnies have nothing to do with the Messiah. It's dealing with fertility. Let's get back to the truth. This should be a day that clears up the superstitions such as heaven, allow the scriptures to answer the gospel of inclusion allusion, especially dealing with the resurrection to 1. Life 2. Judgement 3. Damnation. Study the statement of faith and be challenged.


We believe in observing the Passover memorial supper from the New Testament era which is the annual observance of the Savior's death. During this time, we partake of the unleavened bread (Matzoth) which represents the broken body of the savior and the cup which represents His blood (Lk 22:17-20; 1Cor10:16). We believe it is scriptural to use wine as opposed to grape juice, but do make exceptions if there are those among us who may have had alcohol problems in the past. However, we do not believe that children should partake of the Memorial Passover until the age accountability. The observance of the Passsover Memorial is to begin after sunset on the evening of the 14th day of the scriptural month of Abib (March/April)(Lev 23:5; Num 28:16). The scriptural months are determined by the visible new moons (Deut 16;1). The first day of each month is determined by the appearance of the crescent. during the Passover, we practice feet washing to show forth humbleness and service of one to another (Jn 13;12-17). For more information, please see our study on the Passover Memorial.

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