Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Senate Bill 514

North Carolina's Senate Bill 514, The Defense of Marriage Act, has caused quite a bit of a stir as of late. Both sides are arguing and marching to the detriment of what, this bill ,for lack of a better word, is confusing. The main argument is to strengthen the law so activist judges won’t overturn it and to make it so arduous that when/if liberals come into office, it can’t be tampered with. I do believe I hit the proverbial nail on the head.
I’ve looked at both sides of the aisle and I’m still confused. The word redundancy describing the bill has come up, as well as it should. When you look at both sides what is the most compelling argument? I have four.
  1. Religious groups are on the wrong side of the argument. If the bill passes, lawsuits will take it into the federal courts and eventually to the Supreme Court. It takes power from the voter/electorate.
  2.  It takes power from companies that cover same-sex couples.
  3. What will be the effects on same-sex couple who have adopted children?
  4. The bill has too many add-ons that aren’t glaringly clear.
For example, what is the meaning of private party in Section 6? It's unclear language with too many question marks pertaining to it.
Ministers aren’t helping this issue at all especially the outspoken Raleigh Minister Patrick L. Wooden, the same person that involved himself with the Merry Xmas controversy. I’m still trying to wrap my head around what Christmas has to do with the Bible. He’s on the wrong side of two arguments and doesn’t know it yet. True, we are not the left coast but notice the vote is being taken out of the hands of the people. I don’t want the Supreme Court to have more over-reaching power to make a decision for me. With these people's continued action that is what's going to take place.
Government should be challenged. Abraham Lincoln said it best in his famous speech “a government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Government should be continually challenged by the people who politicians do essentially work for: the folk that elect them.
Allow me to say this. I’m not for gay marriage within the Ekklesia(Church), I do however look at history as well as miscegenation laws still being upheld in Tennessee. Intermarrying within the colonies was banned. Why don’t Minister’s argue bigamy or miscegenation laws that are current within states. Marriage is a contract entered into by two consenting adults.
All of this is nothing but a wedge issue for votes and to keep religion in line with the conservatives. Politics and religion should be kept separate but that’s for another day. For a better understanding read my book, God, the Bible and Politics.
We have to remember we are not a theocracy and also we have a document called the Bill of Rights that certain people want to reinterpret to fit their myopic personal view points.
This is but another non-issue, NC doesn’t recognize common law marriage and also already on the books: marriage is between a man and a woman. Is this potential amendment a way to punish people who may differ with you? So come May 8th vote, NO, in order to save what is already on the books, so the Supreme Court doesn’t have to get involved and to save the preacher from their own demise.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just Who Is The Antichrist

In order to know what something is you have to know what something isn’t. Sorry, if you believe President Obama is the Antichrist, you are wrong as well as ignorant. You have no understanding of the simple proofs of what Scripture teaches. I have to take a breath and realize the fight isn’t against flesh and blood. People have dedicated their lives and have created websites claiming him to be the Antichrist, however, with no proof at all. The term Antichrist is usually applied to individuals, organizations, churches, government by ones who fear or hate the groups mentioned.
Scripture teaches that people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. The brain of some folks have atrophied. Instead of speaking negatively about groups or organizations we should be speaking truth in love and praying for them. People who write this junk evidently have an ax to grind or are lost. I’m not an apologist for the President or anyone else for that matter and I know ignorance will always abound and never be a short supply.
What I’m most troubled by is how the beast or man of perdition has already in a way won. People are applying him in the wrong tense. They are looking at him to bring swift destruction yet Scripture teaches the very opposite. He will be accepted as a Christ like figure whom the world over loves. He will perform feats similar to the real returning King (King James Version Rev 13:13) he will have divine like attributes that merely mimics true power; so wonderful that the very elect will be fooled (Math 24:24).
(1John 2:18-22) shows many Antichrists; former members of the true church that went astray. As mentioned earlier, the term was never applied to an individual, church, government, or organization (JN 4:1-4). Antichrist has a duel meaning: one the many persons against the teaching of the Messiah or one who stands in for or rules in place of the real Messiah. The spirit of Antichrist is already in the world, ones who teach Christ isn’t and denies the power.The Antichrist or beast isn’t coming to set up a counterfeit system that rivals Christ’s coming ministry, the Beast system will promote peace not war.
Another issue that has to be dealt with is the Hollywoodization of the Mark of the Beast. It’s not going to be some outward mark of the number 666. Oh how Hollywood has scared people especially ignorant church goers to fear the number six. It’s really associated with man or mankind while 666 shows triple significance to man and to man’s accomplishments.
The beast system and the famous Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit to the millennial kingdom (Rev 13:16-17). The mark on the hand or head is associated with holy days on the mosaic calendar (Ex 13:9) also it’s referring to the weekly Sabbath (Duet 6:8), the beast is to form and start a State Church.
This is but a brief synopsis of the famous 666 that strikes fear in the hearts of many and the misunderstanding about what or who the Antichrist is. The word was used to show how people went away from the truth. John was saying they had the spirit of the Antichrist. See how bad teaching mixed with Hollyweird have themselves created a type of doctrine.
The NON-Conformist

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Big Three

I'm not an apologist for Carlton Pearson, but I do have a problem when he came out with his gospel of inclusion message that shocked the gospel community. More than the message but the people that came out against him; T.D. Jakes, Ted Haggard, and Oral Roberts, more troubling than the milk preachers who came out against Carlton, but didn't come out against the experimental Preacher, some say heresy Preacher Kenneth Hagin Jr. He made a disturbing comment about interracial marriage and dating. This should have been the issue of our time, yet the Church went numb and weak. Another reason I left that idiotic movement. People get alarmed for the wrong things. Racism sits atop the Church world, yet deal with an essential issue, the Church shy's away. The Church even shy's away from abused children within the Catholic Church, we have found out as of late it is in the business of castration.

Now we are dealing with Carlton Pearson and the gospel of inclusion. A doctrine which has some merit but the teachers of it don't seem to understand it. My point today isn't to deal with the doctrine but to point out the people used to argue or disagree with the doctrine I'm not her to tear down the Minister but the lack they use as far as teaching. T.D. Jakes who's ministry was needed in West Virginia, but he went for the money in the Mecca, Texas. Jakes hasn't preached a meat message since his TBN fame and he shy's form teaching doctrine. Preaching is only a part of the 4 fold ministry. The office of the Apostle doesn't apply.  Ted Haggad a bisexual who was caught in the act, behaving badly with another man. Next up Oral Roberts, a man who has distorted the gospel for some time. Especially the whole seed faith message and preaching about prosperity. Need a blessing, plant a seed.

 These men, I question there doctrine. Is this the best you have to argue the doctrine of Carlton Pearson; milk preachers. Don't simply disagree with the message, show where it's in error or is it that these Ministers don't know. What happened to the business of Preachers.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Easter Hoax

If there ever was a hoax, it would be the pagan holiday called Ishtar/Easter. Christianity proposes to be the religion of the West, yet it does a bad job of getting rid of superstitions; or maybe it doesn't know it's history. Simply take a look at the bible. The scriptures teaches us to not follow the way of the heathen, yet it does the opposite. Every Easter the churches have large followings followed by many offering plates passed around. Why not read the bible and teach the bible. Why does the KJV translate Easter for Passover (Act 12-4), while every other translation has it as Passover. Stop mixing superstition and selling it as authenticity. Bunnies have nothing to do with the Messiah. It's dealing with fertility. Let's get back to the truth. This should be a day that clears up the superstitions such as heaven, allow the scriptures to answer the gospel of inclusion allusion, especially dealing with the resurrection to 1. Life 2. Judgement 3. Damnation. Study the statement of faith and be challenged.


We believe in observing the Passover memorial supper from the New Testament era which is the annual observance of the Savior's death. During this time, we partake of the unleavened bread (Matzoth) which represents the broken body of the savior and the cup which represents His blood (Lk 22:17-20; 1Cor10:16). We believe it is scriptural to use wine as opposed to grape juice, but do make exceptions if there are those among us who may have had alcohol problems in the past. However, we do not believe that children should partake of the Memorial Passover until the age accountability. The observance of the Passsover Memorial is to begin after sunset on the evening of the 14th day of the scriptural month of Abib (March/April)(Lev 23:5; Num 28:16). The scriptural months are determined by the visible new moons (Deut 16;1). The first day of each month is determined by the appearance of the crescent. during the Passover, we practice feet washing to show forth humbleness and service of one to another (Jn 13;12-17). For more information, please see our study on the Passover Memorial.