Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vain Imaginings

As with anything conspiracies are a part of daily life. From 9/11 to the birth certificate of the President of the United States being fraudulent, the list is forever growing. Today we have a new conspiracy. I guess I wouldn't go as far as saying new but it's gaining  and garnering more attention. It first reared its ugly head in relation to what took place with Rodney King; a much widely publicized event.
There is a new ignorance brewing that is placing God at the forefront of killing individuals. Don't misunderstand, when we look at Old Testament scriptures, God has told his leaders kill everyone in the city, man, woman, child, because no good will ever come from them.
First, I would like to say I believe in the inerrancy of the word of God, but do I believe everything that is written within each book; NO! We have to understand how to study the Bible. This understanding can take some time but let me give you a few short examples.
Anything written in italics was put there by the translators. Look at the word Easter. A celebration people erroneously involve themselves in each year,  clearya secular non-Biblical holiday. The King James Version is the only book that translates it as Easter, the other Bibles translates it correctly as Passover. That's a huge sacred cow that has been knocked over. The second cow that needs to be tipped over is the book: Revelation or Apocalypse. God is going to reveal something from his word. The book of Revelation is the final book or chapter that reveals what will happen. The problem with it is it contains numerous symbols and allegory which means mystical. So in reading, should everything should it all be taken literally?
Jewish New Testament Revelation 6:12-13: 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. These verses are easily explained but are they literal? Remember the writer of the book, John, is writing in his language, describing what he's shown as best he can in the language of his day.
In the news Michele Bachmann makes another gaffe or is it inline with what her base believes, “I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me here?’ Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we’ve got to rein in the spending,”said Bachmann; with that said, is she prophesying?
Pat Robertson of 700 Club fame made a revelation. As he made it he prefaced it “I don’t want to get weird on this…” and  "It seems to me the Washington Monument is a symbol of America’s power. It has been the symbol of our great nation. We look at that Monument and we say, ‘This is one nation under God.’ Now there’s a crack in it. There’s a crack in it, and it’s closed up. Is that a sign from the Lord, is that something that has significance or is it just a result of an earthquake? You judge". Please go to TheConfirmationFiles to look at the video clip in its entirety while Breaking Bread is still under construction. Pat's comments are more disturbing than I first thought.1.He speaks of the Washington Monument as a symbol of America's power. 2. This is one nation under God. 3. He compares the crack in the monument to the veil being rent(torn).
When did the Washington Monument  become a symbol of America's power, and secondly, when did we look at the monument and declare it "one nation under God?  It seems Pat has been spending time with David Barton rewriting or white-washing history. The Monument was simply built to commemorate the first U.S. President. A lot has been said about George Washington not being a Christian, but a deist. He had a form of godliness but some of the atrocities under his name can be declared not to be very godly at all. Extracting teeth out of the mouth of slaves to enhance his smile, as well as owning them and declaring them to be 3/5th of a man. While reports vary pertaining to the damage of the Monument; cracks were found at the top but  it appears there is no significant damage.
The point that needs to be made is comparing a crack to the veil being rent(torn) in two. The veil was a curtain that existed it the desert Tabernacle. It separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies. Only the High Priest was able to pass through to the Holy of Holies and he was only able to do it once a year during Yom-Kippur to atone for the sins of the Jewish people. When the curtain was torn in two, immediately following the death of the Messiah, it meant we could now repent directly to the Father and not need a priest to atone sins for us. Atonement only covered the sins, through God's son they are completely washed away. We can now go directly to the Father. Only when we receive our glorified bodies will we see the Father face to face.
To compare the crack to the veil being rent is insidious. Why not mention considerable damage done to the Washington National Cathedral. That in itself would make more sense; however erroneous. I'm guessing the doctrinal differences(between Robertson and WNC); you know one being so liberal-minded, having a Social Gospel. Disagreeing with the death penalty, supporting civil rights and Affirmative Action, as well as having differing views on the death penalty, abortion, and gay marriage. This flies in the face of his Pentecostal, charismatic leanings. The crack in the Monument and the veil being rent(torn) in two cannot and should not be used as parallels. 
How can we not mention earthquakes and storms? Earthquakes and storms are natural phenomena's that will occur, but to say God is punishing certain people is horrible. People of faith are being killed as well, to say this publicly is irresponsible and foolish. What you're implying, in your foolish heart, is God doesn't love the sinner. He would rather eradicate them instead of dealing with them. Earthquakes of the past have claimed more lives and have been far more damaging. Remember the example of the church in which the roof blew off and killed everyone inside. Did that mean God loved them less? Getting back to earthquakes we haven't experienced what is about to come; read Revelation: 16:18-19 (Jewish New Testament) 18 There were flashes of lightning, voices and peals of thunder; and there was a massive earthquake, such as has never occurred since mankind has been on earth, so violent was the earthquake. 19 The great city was split into three parts, the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the Great and made her drink the wine from the cup of his raging fury.
Since Mr. Robertson is expressing conspiracies; I have one. Maybe Martin Luther King Jr., standing in his defiant stance is disappointed with a warring, ungodly Nation and asked God to create a few stirrings to get people back in-line.
As believers in the Scripture we have to be careful and rightly divide the word. As leaders you can't simply espouse what they think, you have a responsibility and you must use it wisely and rightly divide the truth; or you will be held Accountable. 

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