Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blessing, Blessing, Lord I need a blessing

This is primer to a work in progress a book I'm currently working on; God wants you rich, what the bible says about money. This writing is totally separate from the book, it's actually a piece I wrote when I first started thinking about this issue back in the early 90's. I've since changed my approach to the issue of tithing since then, enjoy.

Your money is the best resource that the Father can use to bless you with, not the only resource. Instead of bless, bless, bless; try give, give, give. Give and it shall be given back unto you pressed down shaken together overflowing  so much that you cannot contain. God is in the blessing business, he's also in favor business, even still he's in the relationship business. 

Bring all your tithes in the store house, if you don't tithe you close the windows to heaven. But if you are a tither he will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you can't contain. A question I have to ask is, does it matter if you tithe or not? If you don't tithe are you not going to reap rewards if you're living a life beyond reproach? Let me ask this question, how many people can honestly say they are living in such abundance? Allow me to rephrase the question. How many faithful tithers live blessed lives who do not have jobs or someone else in the household supporting the family.

Never in our time has money been so much referred to. Without mentioning any names many faith ministries bring up money in every broadcast. They could speak about healing, the holy spirit, but still find time to speak about money or prosperity in the same breath; totally amazing to me. What ever happened to living holy or being a good steward of the word? Lastly, the only people who have benefited from the bless me message has been the ones who preach it day in day out.

Am I against blessing, no?
Am I against excess, Yes?
Am I against prosperity, No?
Am I against scripture misappropriation, Yes?

Yes I believe the Father is in the blessing business, his word says so. He wants us to not have lack, but most of all he wants us to have understanding. Understanding of why we do or not lack. He wants us to diligently search the scriptures. (2 Tim 3:16-17) and not twist the scriptures (2 Pet 3:16).

When I speak on this subject I have to be careful for my motives are not to discredit anyone or any ministry, but it's amazing that they can even believe what they preach let alone keep a straight face. One thing I will refuse to do is mention names as I say again it's not my job to discredit anyone or ministry. One Sunday night I was watching a ministry program, they went as far as calling the "declaring war on the spirit of debt". Think rationally and ask yourself, is debt a spirit? They showed in one segment people throwing money on stage. The first words out the Pastor's mouth was "in the last days the Father is going to give us a debt anointing". This is another topic or subject that has been abused, the anointing. You know with faith people they spiritualize everything. If you wake up early to jog, you have a jogging anointing. If you're not hungry and all of a sudden after twelve hours of not eating, you have an eating anointing. You may say I'm stretching it a bit; NO! All you have to do if you can stomach some of it, is listen to some of there messages, especially the older material when they were completely raw.

Food for thought if one is hungry

What is the difference between a man who is poor and destitute compared to a man who is rich and comfortable? Even though one is rich and one is poor, if there is no peace there is no joy. The point is, the Father will make us rich in knowledge in knowing him and his plan. No matter if you have a lot or a little, if we do not have peace, we have nothing. Peace is the sustainability to true happiness.


Ministers as well as Ministries today are doing the same thing the Catholic leaders are doing, they are preaching blind faith. People would rather listen to a preacher then read for themselves. Convenience  has been the killer of knowledge and truth.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Mystery of the Trinity

This is an issue that has plagued me for sometime. In talking with a friend of mine, I asked him what he thought of the Trinity. He gave the usual answer, all three in one and the 3 properties at the same time. Think about it, isn't Christianity or bible believing people suppose to believe in monotheism and not polytheism, bitheism, or ditheism? How can they be one deity, well it's simple. The hard part is making the argument for the Trinity all being one at the same time. Please spare me with the idiotic meanderings of the water property hypothesis; it doesn't hold water or for that matter, make sense. The plain scriptures teach about a family relationship, God(father) and Jesus(son) and the holy spirit, what? We, during the resurrection will put off corruptible to incorruptible bodies. We will one day fill the third part in or within the familial tree. God and the son are Elohim, meaning dual while Elohim's meaning more, when we are changed. In dealing with the holy spirit we have to take a few things in to consideration, 1, he's the power, he's also referred as the parokletos, our comforter the one who will walk beside us, he's known as the dunamis, denoting his power; the most powerful force in the universe. The proper rendering is from (Gen 1:3) is Elohim said let there be light, that is the power of the holy spirit that created that light. The second issue is he cannot speak for himself showing the example of the unpardonable sin. The holy spirit is not a person as nominal churchanity teaches.When we begin to have a better understanding of scripture these things make sense and are not mysteries. I will be speaking more on this subject at a later time, for now think about it in it's symbiotic state. While this is no way exhaustive it is sub'stantiative. Prove me wrong or show me something I may have missed, simply comment. In the next installment I will get into the history of the trinity. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

God, the Bible & Politics is almost finished

Good news, my book, God, the Bible & Politics is almost done. This book has been a labor of love for some time. It weaves all three topics effortlessly. We live in a society that says God, God, God, but doesn't really know him or what his word teaches. They profess with their lips but with their actions show something else. Look, I'm tired of politicians lying about their personal relationship with God, as if it really matters in the face of politics. It should be embarrassing for them to open their mouths and speak especially when they have to retract most of what they say. I'm also tired of them being dishonest and not saying what they really mean except for political expediency.  This book explores taboo subjects and gives answers as well as solutions.

While I could never say I have all the truth, I do make a strong effort to share with you my beliefs. For years I've listened to Ministers and Preachers stand in their pulpit and lie about the plain teachings of the Scriptures especially when it comes to subjects of abortion, homosexuality, and government to name a few.

This book addresses those subjects in a straight-forward manner and not a round- about way. The book will be available soon so please stay-tuned for details on how to purchase your copy.

John (The Non-Conformist) Jones

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Catholicism and Protestantism-the wayward path

Have you ever wonder where did the influx of religions come from? How did the so-called church form? It had to grow out of something, some religion. Have you ever wondered what the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church have in common? Where did the Pope get his power from or what role did Martin Luther play? Finally, who is this celebrated man by the name of Constantine? The answer to these questions and many more will startle you. Let’s journey to the beginning of what started it all:fear and power. 

The early Church consisted of what were called Orthodox (Christians). They understood God was to be feared. The Orthodox believed Christians should fear there earthly rulers (Orthodoxy) as they feared God. This sounds like the seed for brain-washing slaves during slavery. There has been an ongoing argument about indigenous people; the inhabitants who lived on/in the new world. The theory is it's best to take their land, if not; one could end up worshiping the moon instead of flying there. My other point has to do with slaves. Did they have to be enslaved to be taught a religion? The answer is a resounding NO! God teaches that he speaks through his creation; he will be made known throughout the earth. Let me ask this simple question. If no one ever heard of the Messiah, Yashua, Jesus, where does that person go when they die? This tactic was used to maintain order. In believing this structure there is no such thing of shared authority between races or gender. One must be superior to the other. Men looked to God to be male; they understood that to mean male authority. 

To further prove this point, as late as 1977,Pope Paul the VI explained that our Lord was a man, so women were banned from the priesthood. They were given more submissive rolls. The orthodoxy used 2Timothy, chapters two and three to further their points. At this time I'm not here to explain who is correct but it's not proper to marginalize women as they did. I will deal with this issue in another post as it is an important one that deserves attention.

History teaches they were divided within services because of their chatter of always asking the husband what was being taught. They were to sit on the other side of the church in order to not be disruptive yetwhen the Apostle Paul left for trips he put women in charge, there were even women prophets. Galatians 3:28 teaches we are all one in the Messiah. Even today we still struggle with women in leadership positions.

Here are a few examples of how men viewed woman:

  • ·         Men have broad chests and narrow hips; therefore they have wisdom. Women have narrow chests and broad hips. Women ought to be domestic; the creation reveals it, for they have broad backsides and hips, so that they should sit still. [WA, TR I, no. 55, p. 19; cf. Hazlitt-Chalmers translation, p. 299]

  • ·         There is no dress that suits a woman or maiden so badly as wanting to be clever. [WA, TR II, no. 1555, p. 130]

  • ·         When women speak well, it is not praiseworthy. It befits them to stammer and not be able to speak well; that adorns them much better. [WA, TR IV, no. 4081, pp. 121-122]

  • ·         What goes in through women's ears comes out again through their mouths. For that reason a secret is to be entrusted only to a dead woman. [WA, TR IV, no. 4434, p. 311]

The orthodoxy believed that people could only learn from those who have experienced his resurrection. That class was first the Apostles and their successors were the Roman Catholic Church. They claimed to be the only enlightened, by this they claimed to have sole authority to delegate or interpret as they saw fit.

NOTE: To this day the Pope traces his power back to Peter. This is known as stolen power, Paul or Peter were the very last of the Apostles. That office within the five ministries doesn't exist anymore. The requirement for being an Apostle was to have a personal visitation with the Messiah; Paul was the last to meet that requirement. It is unnecessary for us to meet the Messiah or angels; he speaks to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The orthodoxy believed in blind faith, only except what is being taught through the church. Do not dispute, do not inquire on your own, in other words, do not question. If an answer cannot be found, leave those things of that nature to God. The RCC also believed that salvation cannot come outside of what the church teaches.

  • Bishop Irenaeus-she is the entrance to life all other are robbers

  • Clemete-whoever disobeys the divinely ordained authorities has disobeyed God himself and should receive the death penalty.

By everything that was mentioned above this led to the Protestant Reformation. This was a western Christian movement that was fed up with the divine rule of the RCC. They believed that the Bible could and should be read and studied. Protestants believed in uniformity of Scripture but have not always been able to come to agreements. This is why today in modern Protestantism we have so many sects, splits and off -shoots.

This is my personal summation without going too in-depth. Sometimes simplicity works best without overstating. It becomes more palatable without losing any salt.

Monday, November 21, 2011

In the face of trails

2My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
3Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing(James 2:2-4).

In the making of the complete person we must at times face issues that plague us. In doing so only makes us more complete as followers of his perfect word. The 3 scriptures above are a formula.

1. Falling into temptation
2. Knowing their is an answer
3. Allowing you to become mature

I used to struggle with these versus as a young person. As I got older, I didn't flee when it was convenient for me to do so, but to stand in the face of opposition. Instead of running away from a problem run to the solution. In God's word he teaches for us to "cast our cares upon him for he cares for us". I know this can be difficult in the face of real issues such as an illness or even losing your home, but we have to let God have his perfect work. In his model he speaks of "ye may be perfect and entire", that word "perfect" simply means mature, lacking nothing.
God is grooming us for a purpose, he created us for struggle. He's showing us in his model how we benefit and how to be of service to him.
There is an old saying "life is easy, but living is hard". We have to live on this earth as ambassadors for him. It's time we grow an become what he's calling us to do. It's time we become the change we envision.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Time Passage

My mind drifts like an endless sea
With each tide that comes bringing a different memory
My thoughts are high arches and birds that swoon and soar
My body is lifeless motion being caught between here nor there
Mother-may I-please keep me unbound to be freer than I've allowed myself 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is or isn't a CULT?

Allow me to say this outright, Mormonism is a CULT. Every person standing on the podium professing themselves to be Christians for the Republican Nomination believe in their hearts, it is a CULT. Rick Perry during his CPAC speech to time took time from his schedule to take a swipe at Mitt Romney. Due to their lack of understanding they don’t know specifically why yet but they believe it to be so. That may be strong language referring to their understanding of Scripture. But...  From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks(Matthew 12:34). I listen to their doctrine and what proceeds from their mouth. What they say is contradictory to what the plain Scriptures teach, especially Bachmann.
I first stumbled upon the teachings of Mormonism in the early 90s. The fellowship I was attending spoke about its teachings. In the  book the Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult the first sentence reads “Mormonism is one of the most effective counterfeits of biblical Christianity ever devised."
Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism claims he had a vision of God and his son and they revealed to him that all Churches creeds were an abomination. Smith is the prophet chosen of God to bring a better more true word. The oral history of Smith’s account sounds very occultic in nature and doctrine. I understand there is going to be a fundamental difference between Christianity, Judaism, and Messianic teachings compared to Mormonism.
In Bob Larson’s New Book of Cults it says “Then one day in 1820, while praying in the woods, Joseph Smith received his fabled vision of God and Jesus. In 1823 another personage, an angel named Moroni, appeared at his bedside. The visitor claimed to be the son of Mormon, the departed leader of an American race known as Nephite. Moroni told him about a bood of golden plates that contained “the fullness of the everlasting gospel.” Four years later, in the hill named Cumorah (near Palmyra, New York), Smith unearthed the plates. Buried with them was a pair of large, supernatural spectacles known as the “Urim and Thummim “ they were to be used in translating the hieroglyphics on the plates, a language called “reformed Egyptian.” (Archaeologists and Egyptologists deny there is any historical evidence to validate the existence of such a form of communication.) Joseph immediately began his work of translating the plates. He claimed that later during this time John the Baptist (sent by Peter, James, and John) appeared to him and administered a divine ordination. When the  translation work was completed (with the help of Oliver Cowdery, an itinerant schoolteacher, and Emma Hale, his first and only legal wife) he returned the plates to Moroni. The Book of Mormon was published in 1830. A subtitle, “Another Testament of Jesus Christ,” was recently added to make the Book of Mormon appear to be more closely linked with orthodox Christianity. On April 6 of that same year, Cowdery, Smith, and his brothers, Hyrum and Samuel, officially formed the church of Jesus Christ, now known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
It is stated in many accounts Joseph Smith had difficulty in learning. He also had practiced in the occult with his divining rods as well and peek or seer stones. Many believe a young Joseph  had special powers.
The subject and teaching of Mormonism is vast and can easily be disputed. You can find countless volumes at Christian bookstores the subject has been spoken about ad nauseum. I’m simply showing a detail pertaining to their beliefs. In no way is this comprehensive. Before I continue allow me to share a rule of study I live by. Aside from knowing the oral history of a particular religion, it’s important you understand what you believe. When you have carefully studied the true teachings of Scripture, you can always spot a counterfeit and erroneous teachings.
It’s important I mention my ethnicity. You will understand why in a moment. One of the early teachings of theMormon Church was blacks were cursed or spawned from Satan. This doctrine is called the Curse of Cain. For comprehensive work on this subject gohere but this is a brief description from the site.  The Curse of Cain Doctrine-an official doctrine of the LDS Church, taught by numerous Mormon prophets and apostles since 1848 until at least 1978. They taught that "Negroes" were "cursed" and "inferior" and "children of Cain" and that Cain was a white man until turned into the first "Negro" by the LORD after he had killed Abel. Then he married his sister who became the second "Negro" and all Negroes are the descendants of Cain and the "Mark of Cain" was a black skin, flat nose, and kinky hair. The Curse of Cain was not supposed to end until after the Millennium (1000 year reign of Christ on earth); when Negro women would have white Caucasian children; a "sign" that the LORD had lifted the Curse of Cain off of the Negroes. At no time did church leaders ever say that the Curse of Cain Doctrine was their "personal opinion" or "speculation". They always presented it as "Revelation" and called it "a doctrine of the church" in several official statements by the First Presidency. As of today the doctrine as well as knowledge of it has been white-washed and denied.
In dealing with scripture all we have to do is simple deduction. (Gen 9:20-27) This part of scripture has been much debated and will continue to be debated. Their isn’t clear conclusive evidence why Canaan was cursed and not Ham. It stands to reason Ham must have saw a lewd act being performed on Noah from Canaan. Notice when Noah awakes he curses Canaan. To keep this brief Ham was either the middle or second son, not his youngest. The subject has been used to enslave blacks as if it’s their right to be enslaved. Notice in the movie the Book of Eli, the Bible was the book everyone wanted. It’s still being used today to enslave people by keeping them ignorant. This is a very lengthy subject that needs proper handling. My only point is to show, who was cursed.
Central to the faith the Bible is our ultimate authority that was sent for us to live by, our foundation and our faith lies within it. Mormons believe the book of Mormon and Pearl of great Price were divinely given. So much in fact in the bible i.e. KJV differs they should follow what the book of Mormon teaches.
The religion and belief system is very strange at best. These are yet brief disagreements of their teachings.
As I mentioned earlier know and understand what you believe. Understand this. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness, these two groups are well rehearsed in what they believe in, unlike the Christian faith. Visit 10 different Church’s and receive 10 different messages from the same Bible. Everyone isn’t going to believe the same, but on basic doctrinal issue that should be germane. Look at my site under statement of faith. It is an overview of doctrine that all believers should understand. We must be equipped and able to defend the faith properly. These other group practice this religiously, they equip their people by having them attend school to become indoctrinated in the religion and culture. From their they send them out into the wild. Notice when you are approached they are courteous but they stick to the script. I jokingly say they can make a spiritual pretzel out of the average Christian.
At the heart of the debate the belief systems of the candidates could prove to be problematic. Remember we cannot distance ourselves from what we believe. The question of servitude is very important. The second Bush showed this when questioned about attacking Iraq. He replied with “God told me too”. This is the very reason religion and politics can become bed fellows. It’s important that we understand the clear distinction between separation of Church and State. My book is coming soon, God the Bible and Politics, properly framing the argument. Romney, Santorum, Bachman, and Perry are ill fitted to run the country. When you are so willfully ignorant of scripture(Bachman, Perry) you start to have itching ears.
Lastly do not think for one moment Christians do not think Mormonism is a cult or that the Charismatic leanings of Perry and Bachman share are the true teachings of Christianity. We can’t disavow who we are and what we stand for. We are the Eklessia(called out ones). Below is a brief primer of what the Mormon doctrine teaches and a counter to What the Bible teaches. This religion is built on shaky ground from the beginning, historically and doctrinally.
Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ)
We believe that Yahshua is the Messiah whose birth was predicted by the prophets of the Old Testament. He was the Word made Flesh and we behold his glory as the only begotten of the Father(Jn 1:14). He pre-existed with the Father before the foundations of the earth (Mic 5:2; Jn 16:28-30; Jn 17:5; Php 2:5-8), was a descendant of the tribe of Judha(Gen 49:10; Lk 3:23-24), was born of a virgin in Bethelem(Is 7:14; Mic 5:2; Mt 1:18; Mt 2:1), and betrayed 30 pieces of silver(Zech 11:12; Mt 26:15) in addition to many other fulfilled prophecies. He provided remission for our sins through His sinless life paired with His death upon the Tree of Crucifixion(Isa 53:  2Cor 5:21; Heb 9). The third full day after His death, he rose again demonstrating the promise of our future resurrection(Mt 12:40; Rom 5:6-12, 1Cor 15:1-8; 1Jn 5:9-13).
The Mormon doctrine teaches, Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer, that Michael the archangel cohabitated eve to have a child (Jesus). This is impossible for scripture teaches angels are neutered.
We believe the scriptures clearly teach that salvation is freely given to every member of the human race who accepts it. Anyone who accepts Yahshua and the faith is welcome in the family of Yahweh regardless of race. Through His blood, we are made one united body of Yahshua the Messiah(Jn 1: 12; Eph 1:7, 4:32; 1Pet 1:2-4).
Mormons teach Christ’s death and atonement only removes guilt for past sins. Man earns his own salvation through Christ. They practice a type of duality salvation, general and individual. General is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, all creatures have immortality. Individual means adhering to articles 3 and 4 of their Articles of Faith. Meaning they must do good works, repentance, baptism by immersion, laying on of hands, and obedience to Mormon teachings.
Mormonism is a strange and very secretive religion almost as strange as scientology. I leave you with a quote from the founder.
You don't know me – you never will. You never knew my heart. No man knows my history. I cannot tell it; I shall never undertake it. I don't blame anyone for not believing my history. If I had not experienced what I have, I could not have believed it myself.
– Joseph Smith, April 7, 1844.       

Monday, October 31, 2011


When she speaks, a hundred thousand slaves rejoice

Her confidence is the determination of freedom from her captives

Her boldness is the pain of all those that looked up to the moon
an wandered what it's like on the other side

-tamu -a giza mama mzazi

When she smiles, her reflection is the river Niger showing all
her sweet countenance

Her hands and feet are swift to cover any pain that comes nigh

-tamu -a giza mama mzazi

She is Rodin's master piece, the complete thought and image
of the true thinker

for everything she dreams, she is
for everything she dreams, she is
for everything she dreams, she is


She caressed me with her thoughts and entrapped
me with her ever growing richness

Her solace is the foundation that that holds everything
in place perfectly cemented  and well balanced

Heart beats once raced now beat more steady
with reasonable confidence

We must hold on to what we have said in the past
for the present is now and the future is forever 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

America's Wasteland

What happened to the Centre'?
We have consumed so much that we have over indulged
The slim have become fat
The meek greedy, the one's with the answers needy
We are living in the bloggers sphere of duality
We have taken the sword of Damocles and sold it
We have taken what is sacred and have erased it
We have taken that which is good and holy and have desecrated
it like graveyard tombs
We are living in a time uncompared , even to Bizarro's world
We have a future of failure because of pasts failures
We have drank of the turbulence and it was so gooooooooooooooood
We have surrendered our truths and have sold our souls
for the greatest lie ever told

Monday, October 24, 2011


Dreamers are exactly what they are, dreamers. When we stop, we die. We are said to be unrealistic in our pursuits. Look at our surroundings. Look at the ink that creates the letters for you to read the paper that holds the letters.
Dreams are true manifestations of reality, from our dark depths of testimony. Dreams are a reality that we wake  up to and face daily; we all are dreamers. When we sleep, what do we do, we dream. While during that time our minds are willing to drift about like a tossing sea, the waves act as our thoughts.
 Dreamers must continue to dream, we must continue to allow our active mind to continue to create. We must never allow the dead and the narrow to deaden our broader horizons.
Continue to dream, dreamers.

Personal Thought

Our minds have been satisfied by mediocre or better yet mediocrity. We have self imposed this idealism upon ourselves as fact. We ourselves are subjects subjected to rules by a ruler who is a creator.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Personal thoughts

Why follow in the footsteps of others, when you can make your own footsteps and have others follow you. Don't follow others-other people's experiences-you have to personally experience life yourself. Then and only then will you have a story to tell of your own.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is a CULT?

What is cult? Everything that Christianity says it is. Anything that differs from Church dogma is abhorrent and irrelevant. The Dictionary of CULTS, SECTS, RELIGIONS AND THE OCCULT reads-A relatively small, often transitory religious group that commonly follows a radical leader. A cult, unlike a SECT, espouses radically new religious beliefs and practices that are frequently seen as threatening the basic values and cultural norms of society at large. Therefore, people who are involved in cults frequently exhibit antisocial and neurotic behavior. In recent times, orthodox Christians have used the term to describe those religious groups that deny the TRINITY(see trinity in statement of faith) and specifically the deity of Jesus Christ. Their teachings are contrary to historic Christian ORTHODOXY. The three dynamics of a cult are sociological, psychological (behavioral), and theological. By this definition could Christianity be a CULT?

Properly Framing the Gay Argument Pt.3

This is the last installment in the Properly Framing the Gay Argument series. Recently the North Carolina General Assembly approved a constitutional referendum to place a ban on same sex marriage in the NC Constitution. Voters will decide in May 2012. This is the Pandora’s Box I spoke of previously. If the voters come out overwhelmingly against, will the churches agree with the decision of the citizens? While it uphold the Constitution in this case and people's right to gather and practice peaceful civil disobedience.
The question I proposed, if we already have a ban on gay marriage, why waste tax payer dollars on something that is only going to fan more flames of dissent?  If the ban gets approved it will make it harder to overturn in the future. What was a non-issue will now become an issue.
This goes beyond a simple disagreement and becomes personal. It becomes, of all things, political. That in and of itself is dangerous as you begin crossing the church and state lines.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Centre

The depth of blackness that crucify's me daily
Taking my inner most self and making it a display
Shelf life with no end, spontaneity and laughing lips plague me insufferably
Reaching deeper within me an endless pit of ill repute
A deification of uncertainty
Hanging in balance my soul, soulless unknown regions
A spiraling stair case of twist and turns and turns and twists of unrelenting suffrage bagging each mystery of whom it beist
 Looking deeper and more closely and image that seems to mock and make fun of my fear
A sardonic  sad eye smile that reassures me never
A raging sea of froth and ilk undeniable constant stabbing pain
A light that stopped shinning or is it to deeply embedded unattainable
Coming full circle to unreality, apocalyptic fantasy reaming sweet blissful hatred
visions, outer regions exploring
Cacophonies of sounds exploding bringing truth closer to the dull shining fate of being lost
My belly cries out for peaceful solutions, retributions but my thoughts are convoluted
Crying tears of joy, wonderment, sadness, and all else that lies within me

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Properly Framing the Gay Argument Pt.2

In the article Properly Framing the Gay Argument, I showed the parallels between the argument for and against homosexuality. As the debate continues to rage on (as it will) I want to follow-up about the dangers of picking a side. What do I mean about picking a side? Rather than looking at this through the eyes of the scripture but instead looking at this moral issue through the eyes of immoral men and women who claim to be purveyors of truth.
This issue has turned into a debate by political whores on both sides of the aisle who simply want your vote. The “Right” tries to play up its religious pedigree, simply to receive your vote. This proposes many issues. Maybe you disagree with their policy and many of their views, yet you vote for them and their country crippling policy, as long as they are against gays. This is nothing new. I’ve been in the Ekklesia (church) where we were told “not to vote for the issues, but for your conscience.” That makes absolutely no sense to vote for a politician who undermines how you feel about issues that personally affect your life. The problem with the Left is they play for the emotional vote. While there is a point to be made, no one group has the God card. Secondly, we do have to treat people with dignity. Yet, is it really about dignity or is it about votes. When it comes to politicians, it’s about the constituency and votes; overall it’s about winning.
God isn’t silent when it comes to his involvement in governments.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Properly framing the Gay Argument pt.1

The subject of one’s sexuality continues to come up. As the sun is scorching the United States so is the topic of homosexuality. The problem I have is how the argument is being framed. Should gays have equal rights? Are they born this way or is it a choice? As I mentioned before the framing of the issue has been wrong. The argument generally falls between two camps: for or against. Those for believe the Constitution answers the question. Those against believe the Bible is the answer. So, what is the answer? Well both, kind of.
Let’s deal with the Bible and the religious side first. I would like to add something first, people hold and have the right to agree as well as disagree. This is what adds to the framework of the argument. We all need to learn to disagree agreeably or agreeably disagree. No one opinion is absolute.
Let’s get back to the religious aspect. The Bible is written for all those that will hear. People have the right to follow its teachings or not. I want to deal with three very specific scriptures that people point to in opposition to homosexuality. The first is Romans 1. It’s important to read the entire book of Romans but for time constraints we will begin with verses 21-32.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vain Imaginings

As with anything conspiracies are a part of daily life. From 9/11 to the birth certificate of the President of the United States being fraudulent, the list is forever growing. Today we have a new conspiracy. I guess I wouldn't go as far as saying new but it's gaining  and garnering more attention. It first reared its ugly head in relation to what took place with Rodney King; a much widely publicized event.
There is a new ignorance brewing that is placing God at the forefront of killing individuals. Don't misunderstand, when we look at Old Testament scriptures, God has told his leaders kill everyone in the city, man, woman, child, because no good will ever come from them.
First, I would like to say I believe in the inerrancy of the word of God, but do I believe everything that is written within each book; NO! We have to understand how to study the Bible. This understanding can take some time but let me give you a few short examples.
Anything written in italics was put there by the translators. Look at the word Easter. A celebration people erroneously involve themselves in each year,  clearya secular non-Biblical holiday. The King James Version is the only book that translates it as Easter, the other Bibles translates it correctly as Passover. That's a huge sacred cow that has been knocked over. The second cow that needs to be tipped over is the book: Revelation or Apocalypse. God is going to reveal something from his word. The book of Revelation is the final book or chapter that reveals what will happen. The problem with it is it contains numerous symbols and allegory which means mystical. So in reading, should everything should it all be taken literally?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Under Construction

Please bare with me while I continue to work on this site. It's going to be comprehensive in content. What is missing today is truth, well wait no longer it's coming. Our Country has been hijacked by pimps in the pulpits and liars serving as our leaders. Money has corrupted our nation as we know it, as the scriptures show, it will continue....
While this site is a Biblical based site, I do believe in the separation of church and state, the founding Father's wanted it this way. Please check out my other site, I know you will enjoy This site deals with, what else, politics; enjoy.