Friday, June 29, 2012

Kicking over Sacred Cows:The Cross or is it?

A lot has been said about the cross or the crucifix of the Messiah. In order for us to accept truth we must accept the truth of the Scriptures. While many will have us believe he was crucified on a cross, this runs contrary to what is true. He was murdered on an upright stake.
In order to know what something is we have to know what it is not. Church history is something that isn’t being taught. We have excluded true doctrine for the doctrine of itching ears. The issue of the cross is another in a long line of offenses that helps to delude or erode orthodoxy as useless and ineffective. The word cross is stauros “an upright pale or stake” on which executions took place. The verb form is stauroĊ “to fasten to a stake or pale.”
It’s important to note an argument that has arisen is the Jews were complicit in having the Messiah murdered. The Messiah was more likely murdered for political reasons. He resisted Jews from giving tribute or celebration to Caesar’s Jewish New Testament, Sacred Name Bible Authorized Version (Lk 23:2).
As much as it pains people to admit this, the Bible is a Jewish book. We have to look at the fact that translators have changed so much of the Bible to make it fit certain doctrines. Take Easter for example, why is it erroneously translated as Easter in the King James Version (KJV), while other Bibles translate it properly by using the word Passover? This is another in a long line of offences that must be corrected. The word cross isn’t figurative language either.
Our English word “cross” is the translation of crux. The word never implies or means two pieces of timber placed across one another at any angle but always of one piece alone (1Pet 2:24, Acts 5:30, 10:39, 13:29, Gal 3:13). The cross itself was presented by the Third Century A.D. The Ecclesia (church) was heavily influenced by pagan culture; it is one of the reasons why God says, “Do not follow in the way of the heathen (Jer 10:2-5). This very Scripture has to do with Christmas trees as well as Christians. So much of the church succumbed to strange practices and customs.
Scripture is specific and uses plain language. The word cross is erroneously translated when it should be upright stake. In the New Testament the word stauros (upright stake) is used 28 times. Many believe it isn’t necessary for this type of teaching. We are to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3); we are to preach the whole gospel, not in part. If we are confused about this one simple issue imagine all the other parts. The gospel has been perverted by pagan influence to this day. Why does the Apostle Paul sound so American, or Peter, or John?  Paul would be Shaul, Peter would be Kepha, and John would be Yochanon. The church also has been compromised by the very people that are supposed to uphold it and teach.
The execution stake is a place, the place, we are to die. It is metaphorically used in denunciation from the world and from self. It is to take on the life of the Messiah and to live for him (1Cor 1:17-18, Gal 5:11, Phil 3:17-20). We are to take our burden and follow the Messiah, we are to follow in fellowship with him (Matt 10:38).
Lastly, it is the traditions of men that make the word of no affect (Mk7:13). The reason to wear the cross is best explained in (Matt 10:38), and anyone who does not take up his execution-stake and follow me is not worthy of me.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Losing it's Way

The church is as the title say's, losing it's way. I thought the church is suppose to be in the Ministry of helps not put downs. Pastors are running around espousing all kinds of facts that aren't true, they try an act sincere while hiding behind the Bible. Terry Jones actually hangs an Obama effigy because of his controversial stance on marriage equality. David Barton says people are on welfare because they don't read the Bible. Creflo Dollar gets arrested for beating his daughter. How do these incidences lead people to the Messiah; they don't. They make people scratch there heads and wonder. Terry Jones must be an ignorant man or is starved for attention to bring people into his fellowship. How offensive is it to hang something like that of the President, but was to much of a coward to burn the Koran. He claims it's because of the gay thing. Get over it sir, believe in your constitution that talks about equal protection under the law. If you treat people like dogs, how can you minister to them? With these types of antics I wonder if these people really study the scripture. What can I say about David Barton, except another bone head statement. It's easy to pick on the poor, what about the rich. Have you ever heard of corporate welfare. So in other words rich people did it all themselves without government interference. If you believe that you are delusional. What are you doing to combat the issue? Are you simply preaching at them? Have you walked a mile in their shoes? Barton is another fellow I wonder about, if he actually studies the scriptures for understanding. He say's a lot ignorant things. Lest we forget, Creflo Dollar; what a fitting last name. A prosperity preacher, who preaches the good news of riches. He is going to have some explaining to do on Sunday. I have children, we disagree often, but to put hands and physically cause them harm is way overboard, especially a young girl. Parenting is a difficult job in it self. I wont go to hard at him, we as parents have to choose our battles. However his doctrine is something I do question. The church is in the wilderness trying to find a way out, until then we are going to continually be lost. It's time to start from the bottom up, it is time for a cleansing.The church is to divided, to racist, to be effective as a collective. The church needs to get back to God, not politics, but what God's word says. 1Jn 3:4 is a good start, if we follow that and the church works as a whole doing different things while working for the same result, it will be a force to reckon with. I'm not a fatalist, I just don't see the kind of unity any time soon.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Revealing

The church is in an influx of confusion and is in need of a cleansing. Some groups have gone as far to insist the office of the Apostle is coming back. These groups have already started acting as if they are Apostles. Don’t be fooled, and have no part of it. These men haven’t met the requirements of the office. They weren't chosen, they didn't witness his resurrection. Paul the last of the Apostles was in the presence of the Messiah. He was commissioned and personally taught by him. These movements are nothing but farces. As far as the cleansing is concerned, it is getting back to truths. The transitional period the church is going is the revealing of past and current ignorance. How disturbing is it to have a young boy singing homos are going to hell. This kind of activity is silly as well as reckless. The only reason we know of the incident is that someone you tubed it. Another incident that went viral was when a NC preacher said they should build a high electric fence and put all the gays in it. This behavior in the pulpit is irresponsible and it hurts the church more than you think. For all the gay and lesbians out there, the church is missing opportunities to witness. The second error is, think of the many other people that are listening to this hate being spewed. You are turning people off not on. It’s okay to preach the sincere word; it’s not okay to add to the sincere word.
Andrew Sullivan who’s article that was featured in Newsweek questioning the church was correct in many ways. He’s a bit delusional. Protestantism claims to be the truth, it doesn't view the Catholic Church as credible. Andrew seems to link both as one, it is at best misleading. Why don’t they deal with their overreaching issues that have plastered headlines and continue to be in the headlines? Andrew is also openly gay, which I don’t mind. The problem I have is he wants to spread the ills of the church but doesn't want to deal with his personal sins.
It is true the church is starting to go through a revealing; simply for it to deal with homosexuality and gay marriage. The church is being outed, as it should be outed. In order for the body to be cleansed, it has to be vulnerable in order to get back on the right track. The second issue is doctrine. The church has to get back to truths and stop putting personal convictions on people. God is going to do a great work, but the people’s hearts and minds must be receptacle to God’s truths and workings. A divided church cannot be effective!