Friday, March 30, 2012

Personal Thought

People always want more of God, but how can they have more when they can't understand what they have. God can't bless ignorance. He has to have something within you he can use so you can grow.

Santorum takes on PORN

What can we say about pornography that hasn’t already been said? Just the mention of the word is difficult enough.  So why am I talking about porn? Oh, because Rick Santorum made it his business to talk about it. While we can invoke the Bible in this argument by using  passages such as: we shouldn’t look upon a woman’s nakedness unless she’s your wife or we could use (2Pet 2:10) which closes the argument for the existence of porn legally. Allow me to ask this question, what’s wrong with free people in a free society supported by the Constitution watching  porn? I believe porn is something you outgrow and with the age of the Internet it has become easier and more accessible. Before you answer the previous question, how you police your household is valid just the same as others who believe differently than you; it’s also valid. If porn is a legal entity following the laws of the land, how is it wrong simply for your displeasure?
This is where the rubber hits the road, no pun intended. Conservatives cry for smaller less intrusive government as long as it fits their model. Taking away people’s freedoms and right isn’t freedom. Maybe Rick is listening to a higher power that isn’t God. Maybe Rick wants us to be a theocracy (rule by God, either directly or via earthly representation in the form of priests) so papal power can inflict its dictates upon us. This is a conspiratorial thought of my own admission but it stands to reason though since he’s coming out against every right or freedom of a free society. A question again must be asked, how many people is he winning for the Messiah?
Porn is a huge business; a billion dollar a year industry. It isn’t some seedy little business, it has well insulated itself within well-known corporations. Porn is a Wall Street business and it benefits from hotel chains such as, Marriott, Hilton and Westin as well as from cable & satellite companies such AT&T and Comcast. Lastly General Motors who owned Direct-TV but sold its stake to News Corporation which is owned by Rupert Murdoch continues to sell pornography channels. We can’t forget about the Internet, especially Yahoo.
Do not misunderstand the intentions of this post, there’s not much positive about porn; if it has any merits. There is the ugly side of porn: addiction. In 2004 a panel of experts testified before a Senate subcommittee that porn is dangerously additive. Read the story yourself and draw your own conclusion. Porn is one addiction Rick Santorum is going after, why not gambling or alcoholism? The Bible addresses the issue, read (Rom 1:21, 24, 29); the desire can be loosed with God’s help. The business of porn can’t be gotten rid of because of one man’s dislike of it. It should, however, be continually policed to keep underage girls and boys from getting involved. Mr. Santorum wants to crack down on certain porn, if elected, he promises to “vigorously” enforce laws that “prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier.” Again isn’t this you asserting your personal convictions on others, especially people over the appropriate age to watch it? Politically this is very dangerous and unsettling but at least he’s gaining traction.
Children are usually dragged into the porn argument, we are concerned with sex trafficking and children having accessibility to it. What happened to the right of a parent to parent? Does Rick care about your Constitutional rights?
The government Rick rails so boldly against, he now wants to use to enforce laws upon free people. It’s the parent’s responsibility to know what his or her child is looking at under their roof. It’s up to parents to police everything in the household from phones to tablets to all forms of CPUs or any other streaming device. Do not use the children as the excuses to carry on a war against something you find detestable. Under the First Amendment children will always be safe and criminals prosecuted. We don’t need another war on anything. We are still dealing with the War on Drugs, look how that has turned out. If you take things away i.e., prohibition, people will always find a way to acquire way things. If you disagree with it, by all means don’t watch it. Churches should be talking to their members about the issue. Police the home first.
Speaking of issue of policing, Rick Santorum needs to speak about the Catholic Church and their treatment of young boys and the news story that are coming out about castrations. As with anything porn can be destructive but if people want it, it’s, by all means, a personal choice. For the ones who talk about it often, I’m wondering about you specifically. Everyone has a role to play in cleaning up their backyard. Continue to put derelicts behind bars that harm the little ones and innocent adults. No sin goes unpunished, deluding ourselves in believing so is only an illusion.
The NON-Conformist

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ellen Degeneres or as some call her Ellen Degenerate is the face of an updated JC Penny. Penny's has continued to be a mainstay in the face of better retailers, such as Macy's, Belk, as well as others. It is the middle of America store that is looking for something bigger. A recent change in their logo, a new spokesperson(Ellen) and they get attacked  from the "Right."
One Million Moms came out in opposition to the partnership with Ellen. Moms is a religious right organization that is tired of the filth that's being directed at children. The Moms have every right to protest but isn't JC Penny a private entity? I understand their plight, I have places I will not frequent, it's a personal fight with certain companies. In life we have to choose our battles and Moms has chosen theirs but it's time religious groups realize that people and organizations have the right to coexist and do business as they see fit, even if you disagree with the lifestyle of the person the business decides to partner with.
Groups also have to be careful in their repute to protest certain stores and look at the sordid histories of all companies. Don't marginalize one company because of a lesbian spokesperson, what about the companies that participated in Apartheid?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Rap on Tradition

Tradition, what is tradition? Is tradition a negative or a positive thing? Tradition is something that is passed down. The word can be looked at 2 ways.

1. When we use the Bible as our text. The Jewish people passed down the law and as the generations passed, tradition was also passed down. More tradition was added because of more knowledge, this is a good thing.

2. When tradition that has been passed down is more authoritative than the scripture, we have usurped the authority of the sovereign.

3.Teaching that is handed down, especially from a teacher to his disciples.

Our tradition has taken precedence over the word of Yahweh(God). You're probably saying , "why is he harping on this subject of tradition"? Simply because we have taken and placed man made doctrine over the word. Ex. tithing, Sunday keeping, trinity, heaven, to only name a few. My question is simple, do you believe in the word or not? If I say something that doesn't agree with what you believe, am I wrong; even I say it can be proven Scripturally.

As we have noted earlier, tradition is passed down. Because of tradition in the 21st century many fellowships have been robbed of many blessing because of ignorance. Many denominations teach tongues have been done away with. Allow me to ask a question, what is the difference between us and the Apostles; nothing! Nothing has changes one bit. Allow me to ask another question, what dispensation is this? The age or dispensation that we abide in is grace. Has this changed or been done away with the Apostles. On the subject of tongues. Scripture teaches us one day tongues will cease. When will that day be? At a time when it's no longer necessary. When we receive our incorruptible bodies. Secondly tongues have and serve a purpose. The ones who fight this so much, can they honestly answer these questions or are they induced by tradition that was passed down from the Founders till it's present day. In the 15th chapter of 1Corinthians tells us a few things about tongues. It is for the believer as it is for the unbeliever. Tongues is a one way conversation with Yahweh(God).

I would also like to speak about another blessing that tradition has almost ruined; healing. In most traditional fellowships the word is almost taboo. the problem many have with healing is the tradition has taught them not to look at the scriptures like a Deist. A running joke is "I once heard Satan say, if you don't want Christians to know something, simply put in a Bible, they don't read it anyway". Their must be some truth to it, because Yahweh(God) is only as big as you let him be in your life. Looking at our pathetic world, it rings true to me.

I hope you enjoyed this post, it simply points out a few issues that bother me. Also the information isn't comprehensive, you can go further and build on it.