Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blessing, Blessing, Lord I need a blessing

This is primer to a work in progress a book I'm currently working on; God wants you rich, what the bible says about money. This writing is totally separate from the book, it's actually a piece I wrote when I first started thinking about this issue back in the early 90's. I've since changed my approach to the issue of tithing since then, enjoy.

Your money is the best resource that the Father can use to bless you with, not the only resource. Instead of bless, bless, bless; try give, give, give. Give and it shall be given back unto you pressed down shaken together overflowing  so much that you cannot contain. God is in the blessing business, he's also in favor business, even still he's in the relationship business. 

Bring all your tithes in the store house, if you don't tithe you close the windows to heaven. But if you are a tither he will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you can't contain. A question I have to ask is, does it matter if you tithe or not? If you don't tithe are you not going to reap rewards if you're living a life beyond reproach? Let me ask this question, how many people can honestly say they are living in such abundance? Allow me to rephrase the question. How many faithful tithers live blessed lives who do not have jobs or someone else in the household supporting the family.

Never in our time has money been so much referred to. Without mentioning any names many faith ministries bring up money in every broadcast. They could speak about healing, the holy spirit, but still find time to speak about money or prosperity in the same breath; totally amazing to me. What ever happened to living holy or being a good steward of the word? Lastly, the only people who have benefited from the bless me message has been the ones who preach it day in day out.

Am I against blessing, no?
Am I against excess, Yes?
Am I against prosperity, No?
Am I against scripture misappropriation, Yes?

Yes I believe the Father is in the blessing business, his word says so. He wants us to not have lack, but most of all he wants us to have understanding. Understanding of why we do or not lack. He wants us to diligently search the scriptures. (2 Tim 3:16-17) and not twist the scriptures (2 Pet 3:16).

When I speak on this subject I have to be careful for my motives are not to discredit anyone or any ministry, but it's amazing that they can even believe what they preach let alone keep a straight face. One thing I will refuse to do is mention names as I say again it's not my job to discredit anyone or ministry. One Sunday night I was watching a ministry program, they went as far as calling the "declaring war on the spirit of debt". Think rationally and ask yourself, is debt a spirit? They showed in one segment people throwing money on stage. The first words out the Pastor's mouth was "in the last days the Father is going to give us a debt anointing". This is another topic or subject that has been abused, the anointing. You know with faith people they spiritualize everything. If you wake up early to jog, you have a jogging anointing. If you're not hungry and all of a sudden after twelve hours of not eating, you have an eating anointing. You may say I'm stretching it a bit; NO! All you have to do if you can stomach some of it, is listen to some of there messages, especially the older material when they were completely raw.

Food for thought if one is hungry

What is the difference between a man who is poor and destitute compared to a man who is rich and comfortable? Even though one is rich and one is poor, if there is no peace there is no joy. The point is, the Father will make us rich in knowledge in knowing him and his plan. No matter if you have a lot or a little, if we do not have peace, we have nothing. Peace is the sustainability to true happiness.


Ministers as well as Ministries today are doing the same thing the Catholic leaders are doing, they are preaching blind faith. People would rather listen to a preacher then read for themselves. Convenience  has been the killer of knowledge and truth.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The Mystery of the Trinity

This is an issue that has plagued me for sometime. In talking with a friend of mine, I asked him what he thought of the Trinity. He gave the usual answer, all three in one and the 3 properties at the same time. Think about it, isn't Christianity or bible believing people suppose to believe in monotheism and not polytheism, bitheism, or ditheism? How can they be one deity, well it's simple. The hard part is making the argument for the Trinity all being one at the same time. Please spare me with the idiotic meanderings of the water property hypothesis; it doesn't hold water or for that matter, make sense. The plain scriptures teach about a family relationship, God(father) and Jesus(son) and the holy spirit, what? We, during the resurrection will put off corruptible to incorruptible bodies. We will one day fill the third part in or within the familial tree. God and the son are Elohim, meaning dual while Elohim's meaning more, when we are changed. In dealing with the holy spirit we have to take a few things in to consideration, 1, he's the power, he's also referred as the parokletos, our comforter the one who will walk beside us, he's known as the dunamis, denoting his power; the most powerful force in the universe. The proper rendering is from (Gen 1:3) is Elohim said let there be light, that is the power of the holy spirit that created that light. The second issue is he cannot speak for himself showing the example of the unpardonable sin. The holy spirit is not a person as nominal churchanity teaches.When we begin to have a better understanding of scripture these things make sense and are not mysteries. I will be speaking more on this subject at a later time, for now think about it in it's symbiotic state. While this is no way exhaustive it is sub'stantiative. Prove me wrong or show me something I may have missed, simply comment. In the next installment I will get into the history of the trinity. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

God, the Bible & Politics is almost finished

Good news, my book, God, the Bible & Politics is almost done. This book has been a labor of love for some time. It weaves all three topics effortlessly. We live in a society that says God, God, God, but doesn't really know him or what his word teaches. They profess with their lips but with their actions show something else. Look, I'm tired of politicians lying about their personal relationship with God, as if it really matters in the face of politics. It should be embarrassing for them to open their mouths and speak especially when they have to retract most of what they say. I'm also tired of them being dishonest and not saying what they really mean except for political expediency.  This book explores taboo subjects and gives answers as well as solutions.

While I could never say I have all the truth, I do make a strong effort to share with you my beliefs. For years I've listened to Ministers and Preachers stand in their pulpit and lie about the plain teachings of the Scriptures especially when it comes to subjects of abortion, homosexuality, and government to name a few.

This book addresses those subjects in a straight-forward manner and not a round- about way. The book will be available soon so please stay-tuned for details on how to purchase your copy.

John (The Non-Conformist) Jones

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Catholicism and Protestantism-the wayward path

Have you ever wonder where did the influx of religions come from? How did the so-called church form? It had to grow out of something, some religion. Have you ever wondered what the Catholic Church and the Protestant Church have in common? Where did the Pope get his power from or what role did Martin Luther play? Finally, who is this celebrated man by the name of Constantine? The answer to these questions and many more will startle you. Let’s journey to the beginning of what started it all:fear and power. 

The early Church consisted of what were called Orthodox (Christians). They understood God was to be feared. The Orthodox believed Christians should fear there earthly rulers (Orthodoxy) as they feared God. This sounds like the seed for brain-washing slaves during slavery. There has been an ongoing argument about indigenous people; the inhabitants who lived on/in the new world. The theory is it's best to take their land, if not; one could end up worshiping the moon instead of flying there. My other point has to do with slaves. Did they have to be enslaved to be taught a religion? The answer is a resounding NO! God teaches that he speaks through his creation; he will be made known throughout the earth. Let me ask this simple question. If no one ever heard of the Messiah, Yashua, Jesus, where does that person go when they die? This tactic was used to maintain order. In believing this structure there is no such thing of shared authority between races or gender. One must be superior to the other. Men looked to God to be male; they understood that to mean male authority. 

To further prove this point, as late as 1977,Pope Paul the VI explained that our Lord was a man, so women were banned from the priesthood. They were given more submissive rolls. The orthodoxy used 2Timothy, chapters two and three to further their points. At this time I'm not here to explain who is correct but it's not proper to marginalize women as they did. I will deal with this issue in another post as it is an important one that deserves attention.

History teaches they were divided within services because of their chatter of always asking the husband what was being taught. They were to sit on the other side of the church in order to not be disruptive yetwhen the Apostle Paul left for trips he put women in charge, there were even women prophets. Galatians 3:28 teaches we are all one in the Messiah. Even today we still struggle with women in leadership positions.

Here are a few examples of how men viewed woman:

  • ·         Men have broad chests and narrow hips; therefore they have wisdom. Women have narrow chests and broad hips. Women ought to be domestic; the creation reveals it, for they have broad backsides and hips, so that they should sit still. [WA, TR I, no. 55, p. 19; cf. Hazlitt-Chalmers translation, p. 299]

  • ·         There is no dress that suits a woman or maiden so badly as wanting to be clever. [WA, TR II, no. 1555, p. 130]

  • ·         When women speak well, it is not praiseworthy. It befits them to stammer and not be able to speak well; that adorns them much better. [WA, TR IV, no. 4081, pp. 121-122]

  • ·         What goes in through women's ears comes out again through their mouths. For that reason a secret is to be entrusted only to a dead woman. [WA, TR IV, no. 4434, p. 311]

The orthodoxy believed that people could only learn from those who have experienced his resurrection. That class was first the Apostles and their successors were the Roman Catholic Church. They claimed to be the only enlightened, by this they claimed to have sole authority to delegate or interpret as they saw fit.

NOTE: To this day the Pope traces his power back to Peter. This is known as stolen power, Paul or Peter were the very last of the Apostles. That office within the five ministries doesn't exist anymore. The requirement for being an Apostle was to have a personal visitation with the Messiah; Paul was the last to meet that requirement. It is unnecessary for us to meet the Messiah or angels; he speaks to us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The orthodoxy believed in blind faith, only except what is being taught through the church. Do not dispute, do not inquire on your own, in other words, do not question. If an answer cannot be found, leave those things of that nature to God. The RCC also believed that salvation cannot come outside of what the church teaches.

  • Bishop Irenaeus-she is the entrance to life all other are robbers

  • Clemete-whoever disobeys the divinely ordained authorities has disobeyed God himself and should receive the death penalty.

By everything that was mentioned above this led to the Protestant Reformation. This was a western Christian movement that was fed up with the divine rule of the RCC. They believed that the Bible could and should be read and studied. Protestants believed in uniformity of Scripture but have not always been able to come to agreements. This is why today in modern Protestantism we have so many sects, splits and off -shoots.

This is my personal summation without going too in-depth. Sometimes simplicity works best without overstating. It becomes more palatable without losing any salt.